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  • 3. oktober 2012 af jonasmunk fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    a particular society at a particular time and place; "early Mayan civilization"

  • 27. februar 2016 fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group

  • 27. februar 2016 fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    all the knowledge and values shared by a society

  • 27. februar 2016 fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    (biology) the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatin or agar); "the culture of cells in a Petri dish"

  • 27. februar 2016 fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad

  • 27. februar 2016 fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization; "the developing drug culture"; "the reason that the agency is doomed to inaction has something to do with the FBI culture"

  • 27. februar 2016 fra

    culture navneord engelsk

    the raising of plants or animals; "the culture of oysters"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    culture udsagnsord engelsk

    grow in a special preparation; "the biologist grows microorganisms"