
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "hamper" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 10. februar 2013 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    hamper navneord engelsk

    a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)

  • 28. februar 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    hamper navneord engelsk

    a basket usually with a cover

  • 22. marts 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    hamper udsagnsord engelsk

    prevent the progress or free movement of; "He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather"; "the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countries"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    hamper udsagnsord engelsk

    put at a disadvantage; "The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements"