
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "interchange" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 11. februar 2013 fra

    interchange navneord engelsk

    a junction of highways on different levels that permits traffic to move from one to another without crossing traffic streams

  • 28. februar 2016 fra

    interchange navneord engelsk

    mutual interaction; the activity of reciprocating or exchanging (especially information)

  • 28. februar 2016 fra

    interchange navneord engelsk

    the act of changing one thing for another thing; "Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience"; "there was an interchange of prisoners"

  • 28. februar 2016 fra

    interchange navneord engelsk

    reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money (especially the currencies of different countries); "he earns his living from the interchange of currency"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    interchange udsagnsord engelsk

    put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items; "the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt"; "substitute regular milk for fat-free milk"; "synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the context's meaning"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    interchange udsagnsord engelsk

    give to, and receive from, one another; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    interchange udsagnsord engelsk

    cause to change places; "interchange this screw for one of a smaller size"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    interchange udsagnsord engelsk

    reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)