
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "originate" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 19. februar 2013 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    originate udsagnsord engelsk

    come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    originate udsagnsord engelsk

    bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    originate udsagnsord engelsk

    begin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.; "The flight originates in Calcutta"