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  • 5. oktober 2012 af jonasmunk fra

    principle navneord engelsk

    a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct; "their principles of composition characterized all their works"

  • 1. marts 2016 fra

    principle navneord engelsk

    a rule or standard especially of good behavior; "a man of principle"; "he will not violate his principles"

  • 1. marts 2016 fra

    principle navneord engelsk

    a basic truth or law or assumption; "the principles of democracy"

  • 1. marts 2016 fra

    principle navneord engelsk

    a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields"

  • 1. marts 2016 fra

    principle navneord engelsk

    rule of personal conduct

  • 1. marts 2016 fra

    principle navneord engelsk

    (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature); "the rationale for capital punishment"; "the principles of internal-combustion engines"