
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "reasonableness" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 17. april 2013 fra

    reasonableness navneord engelsk

    the state of having good sense and sound judgment; "his rationality may have been impaired"; "he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    reasonableness navneord engelsk

    goodness of reason and judgment; "the judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    reasonableness navneord engelsk

    the property of being moderate in price or expenditures; "the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices"; "the modestness of the living standards here becomes obvious immediately"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    reasonableness navneord engelsk

    moderation in expectations; "without greater reasonableness by both parties we will never settle this matter!"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    reasonableness navneord engelsk

    the quality of being plausible or acceptable to a reasonable person; "he questioned the tenability of my claims"