
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "relationship" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 9. februar 2013 fra

    relationship navneord engelsk

    a relation between people; (`relationship' is often used where `relation' would serve, as in `the relationship between inflation and unemployment', but the preferred usage of `relationship' is for human relations or states of relatedness); "the relationship between mothers and their children"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    relationship navneord engelsk

    a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection); "he didn't want his wife to know of the relationship"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    relationship navneord engelsk

    a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    relationship navneord engelsk

    (anthropology) relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption