
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "relative" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 3. oktober 2012 af jonasmunk fra

    relative navneord engelsk

    a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey"

  • 2. marts 2016 fra

    relative navneord engelsk

    an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus)

  • 31. marts 2016 fra

    relative tillægsord engelsk

    estimated by comparison; not absolute or complete; "a relative stranger"

  • 31. marts 2016 fra

    relative tillægsord engelsk

    properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'; "the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production"