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  • 12. februar 2013 fra

    restrain udsagnsord engelsk

    to close within bounds, or otherwise limit or deprive of free movement; "This holds the local until the express passengers change trains"; "About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade"; "The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"; "The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    restrain udsagnsord engelsk

    restrict (someone or something) so as to make free movement difficult

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    restrain udsagnsord engelsk

    prevent (someone or something) from doing something; "security guards restrained the reporter from throwing another shoe"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    restrain udsagnsord engelsk

    prevent the action or expression of; "hold back your anger"; "keep your cool"; "she struggled to restrain her impatience at the delays"