
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "thaw" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 10. februar 2013 fra

    thaw navneord engelsk

    the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid; "the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster"; "the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours"

  • 3. marts 2016 fra

    thaw navneord engelsk

    warm weather following a freeze; snow and ice melt; "they welcomed the spring thaw"

  • 3. marts 2016 fra

    thaw navneord engelsk

    a relaxation or slackening of tensions or reserve; becoming less hostile; "the thaw between the United States and Russia has led to increased cooperation in world affairs"

  • 22. marts 2016 fra

    thaw udsagnsord engelsk

    become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"