
Dette er ikke en ordbog! - Søg efter "unskilled" i Den Danske Ordbog

  • 25. marts 2013 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    unskilled tillægsord engelsk

    not having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency; "unskilled in the art of rhetoric"; "an enthusiastic but unskillful mountain climber"; "unskilled labor"; "workers in unskilled occupations are finding fewer and fewer job opportunities"; "unskilled workmanship"

  • 31. marts 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    unskilled tillægsord engelsk

    lacking professional skill or expertise; "a very amateurish job"; "inexpert but conscientious efforts"; "an unskilled painting"

  • 31. marts 2016 fra wordnet.princeton.edu

    unskilled tillægsord engelsk

    not doing a good job; "incompetent at chess"