— Noun
– English
~ a sudden rapid flow (as of water); "he heard the flush of a toilet"; "there was a little gush of blood"; "she attacked him with an outpouring of words"
— Noun
– English
~ the pouring forth of a fluid
— Noun
– English
~ signal that comes out of an electronic system
— Noun
– English
~ what is produced in a given time period
— Noun
– English
~ production of a certain amount
output contract
— Noun
– English
~ a contract in which you promise to deliver your entire output to the other party who promises to accept it
— Noun
– English
~ the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"
output file
— Noun
– English
~ (computer science) a computer file that contains data that are the output of a device or program
— Noun
– English
~ final product; the things produced
output device
— Noun
– English
~ electronic or electromechanical equipment connected to a computer and used to transfer data out of the computer in the form of text, images, sounds, or other media
— Noun
– Danish
~ resultat af økonomisk virksomhed
— Noun
– Danish
~ data som er blevet bearbejdet af et edb-system
— Noun
– Danish
~ resultat af en bearbejdning el. en proces