reticulated python
— Noun
– English
~ of southeast Asia and East Indies; the largest snake in the world
— Noun
– English
~ an arrangement resembling a net or network; "the reticulation of a leaf"; "the reticulation of a photographic emulsion"
— Noun
– English
~ (photography) the formation of a network of cracks or wrinkles in a photographic emulsion
— Noun
– English
~ a network of fine lines, dots, cross hairs, or wires in the focal plane of the eyepiece of an optical instrument
— Noun
– English
~ a woman's drawstring handbag; usually made of net or beading or brocade; used in 18th and 19th centuries
— Noun
– English
~ includes species highly destructive to structures and living trees
— Noun
– English
~ an immature red blood cell containing a network of filaments or granules
— Noun
– English
~ a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Dorado and Hydrus
— Noun
– English
~ the second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
— Noun
– English
~ any fine network (especially one in the body composed of cells or blood vessels)
— Noun
– English
~ the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball; it is continuous with the optic nerve
retinal purple
— Noun
– English
~ a red photopigment in the retinal rods of vertebrates; dissociates into retinene by light
retinal cone
— Noun
– English
~ a visual receptor cell in the retina that is sensitive to bright light and to color
— Noun
– English
~ either of two yellow to red retinal pigments formed from rhodopsin by the action of light
retinal detachment
— Noun
– English
~ visual impairment resulting from the retina becoming separated from the choroid in the back of the eye; treated by photocoagulation
— Noun
– English
~ either of two yellow to red retinal pigments formed from rhodopsin by the action of light
— Noun
– English
~ inflammation of the retina
— Noun
– English
~ malignant ocular tumor of retinal cells; usually occurs before the third year of life; composed of primitive small round retinal cells