organic structure
— Noun
– English
~ the entire physical structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"
order Struthioniformes
— Noun
– English
~ a ratite bird order: ostriches and related extinct birds; known from the Pleistocene onward
Onoclea struthiopteris
— Noun
– English
~ tall fern of northern temperate regions having graceful arched fronds and sporophylls resembling ostrich plumes
Oriental Studies
— Noun
– English
~ the scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures and languages and people
Oven Stuffer
— Noun
– English
~ a brand name for a roasting chicken
oyster stuffing
— Noun
– English
~ stuffing made with oysters
old style
— Noun
– English
~ a typeface (based on an 18th century design) distinguished by irregularity and slanted ascender serifs and little contrast between light and heavy strokes
old style font
— Noun
– English
~ a typeface (based on an 18th century design) distinguished by irregularity and slanted ascender serifs and little contrast between light and heavy strokes
Old Style calendar
— Noun
– English
~ the solar calendar introduced in Rome in 46 b.c. by Julius Caesar and slightly modified by Augustus, establishing the 12-month year of 365 days with each 4th year having 366 days and the months having 31 or 30 days except for February
Ozark sundrops
— Noun
– English
~ evening-opening primrose of south central United States