order Tulostomatales
— Noun
– English
~ an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes
Opuntia tuna
— Noun
– English
~ tropical American prickly pear of Jamaica
Ottoman Turk
— Noun
– English
~ a Turk (especially a Turk who is a member of the tribe of Osman I)
ocellated turkey
— Noun
– English
~ wild turkey of Central America and northern South America
oil of turpentine
— Noun
– English
~ volatile liquid distilled from turpentine oleoresin; used as paint thinner and solvent and medicinally
— Noun
– English
~ one part in twelve equal parts
oil tycoon
— Noun
– English
~ a powerful person in the oil business
order Ulvales
— Noun
– English
~ an order of protoctist
order Umbellales
— Noun
– English
~ plants having umbels or corymbs of uniovulate flowers; includes the Umbelliferae (chiefly herbs) and Cornaceae (chiefly trees or shrubs)
Ornithogalum umbellatum
— Noun
– English
~ common Old World herb having grasslike leaves and clusters of star-shaped white flowers with green stripes; naturalized in the eastern United States
— Noun
– English
~ a group of dead languages of ancient Italy; they were displace by Latin
odd-toed ungulate
— Noun
– English
~ placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot
olive-drab uniform
— Noun
– English
~ military uniform of the United States Army; made from cloth of a dull olive color
Open University
— Noun
– English
~ a British university that is open to people without formal academic qualifications and where teaching is by correspondence or broadcasting or summer school