Glaucomys volans
— Noun
– English
~ small large-eyed nocturnal flying squirrel of eastern United States
genus Volvaria
— Noun
– English
~ agarics having pink spores and a distinct volva
genus Volvariella
— Noun
– English
~ an important genus of mushrooms in the Orient
genus Volvox
— Noun
– English
~ type genus of the Volvocaceae; minute pale green flagellates occurring in tiny spherical colonies; minute flagella rotate the colony about an axis
G. L. von Blucher
— Noun
– English
~ Prussian general who is remembered for his leadership in the wars against Napoleon (1742-1819)
Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher
— Noun
– English
~ Prussian general who is remembered for his leadership in the wars against Napoleon (1742-1819)
genus Vorticella
— Noun
– English
~ ciliated protozoans that have a goblet-shaped body with a retractile stalk