— Adjective
– English
~ consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"
— Adjective
– English
~ offering a series of statements each of which is to be judged as true or false; "a true-false test"
— Adjective
– English
~ expressing or given to expressing the truth; "a true statement"; "gave truthful testimony"; "a truthful person"
— Adjective
– English
~ having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king"
— Adjective
– English
~ rightly so called; "true courage"; "a spirit which true men have always admired"; "a true friend"
— Adjective
– English
~ determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north"
tried and true
— Adjective
– English
~ tested and proved to be reliable
— Adjective
– English
~ in tune; accurate in pitch; "a true note"
— Adjective
– English
~ conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician"
— Adjective
– English
~ accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target"
— Adjective
– English
~ worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable source of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
— Adjective
– English
~ accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true"
true to
— Adjective
– English
~ sexually faithful; "she was true to her significant other"
— Adjective
– English
~ representing things or actions or conditions as they actually are; "the novel about ghetto life was true to life"; "true-to-life duck decoys"
true to life
— Adjective
– English
~ representing things or actions or conditions as they actually are; "the novel about ghetto life was true to life"; "true-to-life duck decoys"
— Adjective
– English
~ unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause; "a firm ally"; "loyal supporters"; "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison; "fast friends"
— Adjective
– English
~ resembling the sound of a trumpet
— Adjective
– English
~ shaped in the form of a trumpet; "trumpet-shaped flowers"
— Adjective
– English
~ terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; "a truncate leaf"; "truncated volcanic mountains"; "a truncated pyramid"
— Adjective
– English
~ cut short in duration; "the abbreviated speech"; "her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"; "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation"