Karl von Clausewitz
— Noun
– English
~ Prussian general and military theorist who proposed a doctrine of total war and war as an extension of diplomacy (1780-1831)
Karl von Frisch
— Noun
– English
~ Austrian zoologist noted for his studies of honeybees (1886-1982)
Kurt Vonnegut
— Noun
– English
~ United States writer whose novels and short stories are a mixture of realism and satire and science fiction (born in 1922)
king vulture
— Noun
– English
~ large black-and-white vulture of South America and Central America; have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances on head and neck
kraurosis vulvae
— Noun
– English
~ kraurosis of the vulva; often a precancerous lesion
kemisk våben
— Noun
– Danish
~ luft-, væske- el. pulverformigt stof som dræber, b ...
konventionelt våben
— Noun
– Danish
~ våben der hverken er et atomvåben, et biologisk el ...
komme (bort/væk) fra
— Verb
– Danish
~ midlertidig forlade et emne under en samtale
— Noun
– Danish
~ mål for en bygnings el. et byggemateriales varmeis ...
— Noun
– Danish
~ større anlæg der fremstiller både elektricitet og ...
Kurt Waldheim
— Noun
– English
~ Austrian diplomat who was Secretary General of the United Nations from 1972 to 1981; in 1986 he was elected president of Austria in spite of worldwide allegations that he had direct knowledge of Nazi atrocities during World War II (born in 1918)
Korean War
— Noun
– English
~ a war between North and South Korea; South Korea was aided by the United States and other members of the United Nations; 1950-1953
klammath weed
— Noun
– English
~ yellow-flowered perennial common in fields and waste places but a weed in rangelands
Kurt Weill
— Noun
– English
~ German composer; collaborated with Bertolt Brecht (1900-1950)