— Adjective
– English
~ used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is Scottish"
I Corinthians
— Noun
– English
~ a New Testament book containing the first epistle from Saint Paul to the church at Corinth
— Noun
– English
~ a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes; occurs naturally only in combination in small quantities (as in sea water or rocks)
I Chronicles
— Noun
– English
~ the first of two Old Testament books telling the history of Judah and Israel until the return from the Babylonian Captivity in 536 BC
— Noun
– English
~ the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet
— Noun
– English
~ the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one"
— Noun
– English
~ girder having a cross section resembling the letter `I'
I Esdra
— Noun
– English
~ an Apocryphal book consisting of a compilation from I Chronicles and II Chronicles and Ezra and Nehemiah
— Noun
– English
~ a card or badge used to identify the bearer; "you had to show your ID in order to get in"
— Adverb
– English
~ that is to say; in other words
— Noun
– English
~ an explosive device that is improvised
— Noun
– English
~ organization responsible for organizing the modern Olympic Games
— Noun
– English
~ a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100)
— Noun
– English
~ a former international labor union and radical labor movement in the United States; founded in Chicago in 1905 and dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism; its membership declined after World War I
— Noun
– English
~ a state in midwestern United States
— Noun
– English
~ a state in midwestern United States
— Noun
– English
~ Yemen-based terrorist group that supports al-Qaeda's goals; seeks to overthrow the Yemeni government and eliminate United States interests; responsible for bombings and kidnappings and killing western tourists in Yemen
— Noun
– English
~ a plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots
— Noun
– English
~ the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy