
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "amorphous" in The Danish Dictionary

  • February 21. 2013 from

    amorphous adjective english

    having no definite form or distinct shape; "amorphous clouds of insects"; "an aggregate of formless particles"; "a shapeless mass of protoplasm"

  • March 23. 2016 from

    amorphous adjective english

    lacking the system or structure characteristic of living bodies

  • March 23. 2016 from

    amorphous adjective english

    (of a group of people or an organization) unorganized or unfocused; "A mob is an amorphous crowd of people without ideals, a sum of individuals in which each lives for himself"

  • March 23. 2016 from

    amorphous adjective english

    unclear because vague or badly organized; "Her vague, amorphous statement of her predicament was part of what made it so hard for her to solve it"

  • March 23. 2016 from

    amorphous adjective english

    without real or apparent crystalline form; "an amorphous mineral"; "amorphous structure"