
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "cutting" in The Danish Dictionary

  • January 15. 2013 from

    cutting noun danish

    disciplin inden for hestesport hvor en rytter skal ... : Cutting er den øvelse, som er tættest på de amerikanske cowboys virkelige arbejde | Cutting er en øvelse, hvor hest og ryttere sammen skal holde en ko eller en kalv adskilt fra resten af flokken | klassen »Cutting«, hvor hestene bedømmes på deres evne til at »skære« en kalv ud af en flok ? og »holde den« væk fra flokken | Disciplinen, der hedder cutting, var én af mange konkurrencer i weekendens western ridestævne på Turban Ranch i Dragstrup i Gilleleje

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    the act of cutting something into parts; "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    a piece cut off from the main part of something

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine; "he searched through piles of letters and clippings"

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    removing parts from hard material to create a desired pattern or shape

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"; "the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual"

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    the act of diluting something; "the cutting of whiskey with water"; "the thinning of paint with turpentine"

  • February 27. 2016 from

    cutting noun english

    the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends; "the barber gave him a good cut"

  • March 23. 2016 from

    cutting adjective english

    (of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character; "cutting remarks"; "edged satire"; "a stinging comment"

  • March 23. 2016 from

    cutting adjective english

    unpleasantly cold and damp; "bleak winds of the North Atlantic"

  • March 23. 2016 from

    cutting adjective english

    painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; "a cutting wind"; "keen winds"; "knifelike cold"; "piercing knifelike pains"; "piercing cold"; "piercing criticism"; "a stabbing pain"; "lancinating pain"