
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "expense" in The Danish Dictionary

  • February 10. 2013 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    expense noun english

    amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures)

  • February 27. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    expense noun english

    a detriment or sacrifice; "at the expense of"

  • February 27. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    expense noun english

    money spent to perform work and usually reimbursed by an employer; "he kept a careful record of his expenses at the meeting"

  • March 22. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    expense verb english

    reduce the estimated value of something; "For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer"