
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "grace" in The Danish Dictionary

  • February 10. 2013 by jonasmunk

    Grace last name danish

  • February 11. 2014 by jonasmunk

    Grace first name danish

  • February 28. 2016 from

    Grace noun english

    (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    (Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who is under such divine influence; "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin"; "it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church"; "the Virgin lived in a state of grace"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    elegance and beauty of movement or expression; "a beautiful figure which she used in subtle movements of unparalleled grace"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    a sense of propriety and consideration for others; "a place where the company of others must be accepted with good grace"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    a disposition to kindness and compassion; "the victor's grace in treating the vanquished"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    a period of time past the deadline for fulfilling an obligation during which a penalty that would be imposed for being late is waived, especially an extended period granted as a special favor; "The payment had originally been due on April 1 but we had a grace period which expired in June."

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    a short prayer of thanks before a meal; "their youngest son said grace"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    grace noun english

    (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God; "God's grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners"; "there but for the grace of God go I"

  • March 22. 2016 from

    grace verb english

    make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"

  • March 22. 2016 from

    grace verb english

    be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"