
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "import" in The Danish Dictionary

  • October 7. 2012 by jonasmunk from

    import noun english

    commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country

  • January 15. 2013 from

    import noun danish

    køb og indførsel af varer el. tjenesteydelser fra ... : det vil gå ud over en række danske producenter i det øjeblik, der lukkes op for import af prisbillige østeuropæiske varer

  • February 28. 2016 from

    import noun english

    an imported person brought from a foreign country; "the lead role was played by an import from Sweden"; "they are descendants of indentured importees"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    import noun english

    the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    import noun english

    a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred; "the significance of his remark became clear only later"; "the expectation was spread both by word and by implication"

  • February 28. 2016 from

    import noun english

    having important effects or influence; "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"; "virtue is of more moment than security"; "that result is of no consequence"

  • March 22. 2016 from

    import verb english

    bring in from abroad

  • March 22. 2016 from

    import verb english

    transfer (electronic data) into a database or document

  • March 22. 2016 from

    import verb english

    indicate or signify; "I'm afraid this spells trouble!"