
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "jingle" in The Danish Dictionary

  • January 15. 2013 from WordNet.dk

    jingle noun danish

    kort stykke musik der altid indleder el. afslutter ... : nyhedsudsendelsen var forbi -- og den sædvanlige jingle tonede ud samtidig med at speakeren pakkede sine papirer sammen

  • February 28. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    jingle noun english

    a metallic sound; "the jingle of coins"; "the jangle of spurs"

  • February 28. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    jingle noun english

    a comic verse of irregular measure; "he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind"

  • March 22. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    jingle verb english

    make a sound typical of metallic objects; "The keys were jingling in his pocket"