
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "narrowness" in The Danish Dictionary

  • April 21. 2013 from

    narrowness noun english

    the property of being narrow; having little width; "the narrowness of the road"

  • March 1. 2016 from

    narrowness noun english

    an inclination to criticize opposing opinions or shocking behavior

  • March 1. 2016 from

    narrowness noun english

    a restriction of range or scope; "the problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students"; "the attraction of the book is precisely its narrowness of focus"; "frustrated by the narrowness of people's horizons"

  • March 1. 2016 from

    narrowness noun english

    a small margin; "the president was not humbled by his narrow margin of victory"; "the landslide he had in the electoral college obscured the narrowness of a victory based on just 43% of the popular vote"