
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "sensation" in The Danish Dictionary

  • January 15. 2013 from

    sensation noun danish

    den opmærksomhed som fremkaldes herved : Esprit skabte for et års tid siden sensation i reklameverdenen ved at gå komplet utraditionelt til værks

  • January 15. 2013 from

    sensation noun danish

    begivenhed, genstand el. person som vækker stor op ... : børn undfanget i et reagensglas hører ikke længere til sensationerne

  • March 2. 2016 from

    sensation noun english

    an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation; "a sensation of touch"

  • March 2. 2016 from

    sensation noun english

    someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

  • March 2. 2016 from

    sensation noun english

    a general feeling of excitement and heightened interest; "anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhere between hope and fear"

  • March 2. 2016 from

    sensation noun english

    a state of widespread public excitement and interest; "the news caused a sensation"

  • March 2. 2016 from

    sensation noun english

    the faculty through which the external world is apprehended; "in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"