
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "tete-a-tete" in The Danish Dictionary

  • January 15. 2013 from WordNet.dk

    tete-a-tete noun danish

    privat, fortroligt el. intimt møde mellem et lille ... : Bill og Hillary Clinton .. kom til Paris til en privat tete-a-tete med Jacques og Bernadette Chirac

  • March 3. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    tete-a-tete noun english

    a private conversation between two people

  • March 3. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    tete-a-tete noun english

    small sofa that seats two people

  • March 31. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    tete-a-tete adjective english

    involving two persons; intimately private; "a tete-a-tete supper"; "a head-to-head conversation"