
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "transparent" in The Danish Dictionary

  • January 15. 2013 from

    transparent adjective danish

    gennemsigtig el. gennemskinnelig : Vindspejlet er specielt coatet med en transparent film, som får islag til at forsvinde på ydersiden, og hindrer dugdannelse på indersiden

  • January 15. 2013 from

    transparent noun danish

    aflangt stykke stof med slagord, symboler e.l., ty ... : Jeg går lige efter orkesteret sammen med de andre talere. Så kommer den store transparent .. 'Danmark for HELE folket' står der

  • March 31. 2016 from

    transparent adjective english

    transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity; "the cold crystalline water of melted snow"; "crystal clear skies"; "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool"; "lucid air"; "a pellucid brook"; "transparent crystal"

  • March 31. 2016 from

    transparent adjective english

    so thin as to transmit light; "a hat with a diaphanous veil"; "filmy wings of a moth"; "gauzy clouds of dandelion down"; "gossamer cobwebs"; "sheer silk stockings"; "transparent chiffon"; "vaporous silks"

  • March 31. 2016 from

    transparent adjective english

    free of deceit

  • March 31. 2016 from

    transparent adjective english

    easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety); "a transparent explanation"; "a transparent lie"