
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "urgency" in The Danish Dictionary

  • February 10. 2013 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    urgency noun english

    the state of being urgent; an earnest and insistent necessity

  • March 4. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    urgency noun english

    pressing importance requiring speedy action; "the urgency of his need"

  • March 4. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    urgency noun english

    an urgent situation calling for prompt action; "I'll be there, barring any urgencies"; "they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs"

  • March 4. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    urgency noun english

    insistent solicitation and entreaty; "his importunity left me no alternative but to agree"