
This is not a dictionary! - Search for "worst" in The Danish Dictionary

  • February 10. 2013 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    worst noun english

    the least favorable outcome; "the worst that could happen"

  • March 5. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    worst noun english

    the greatest damage or wickedness of which one is capable; "the invaders did their worst"; "so pure of heart that his worst is another man's best"

  • March 5. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    worst noun english

    the weakest effort or poorest achievement one is capable of; "it was the worst he had ever done on a test"

  • March 22. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    worst verb english

    defeat thoroughly; "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"

  • March 23. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    worst adverb english

    to the highest degree of inferiority or badness; "She suffered worst of all"; "schools were the worst hit by government spending cuts"; "the worst dressed person present"

  • March 31. 2016 from wordnet.princeton.edu

    worst adjective english

    (superlative of `bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition; "the worst player on the team"; "the worst weather of the year"