Book of Revelation
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the Apostle
book review
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ a critical review of a book (usually a recently published book)
bill of review
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rendered it
Bloodless Revolution
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ the revolution against James II; there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (1688-1689)
Balaeniceps rex
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden shoe
Begonia rex
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias derived from an East Indian plant having rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and red-brown with inconspicuous flowers
bog rhubarb
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ small Eurasian herb having broad leaves and lilac-pink rayless flowers; found in moist areas
baba au rhum
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ a baba soaked in rum
beginning rhyme
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse; "around the rock the ragged rascal ran"
beta rhythm
— Navneord
– Engelsk
~ the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person who is awake and alert; occurs with a frequency between 12 and 30 hertz