ball nightshade
— Noun
– English
~ coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit; common throughout southern and eastern United States
bittersweet nightshade
— Noun
– English
~ poisonous perennial Old World vine having violet flowers and oval coral-red berries; widespread weed in North America
black nightshade
— Noun
– English
~ Eurasian herb naturalized in America having white flowers and poisonous hairy foliage and bearing black berries that are sometimes poisonous but sometimes edible
Ballota nigra
— Noun
– English
~ ill-smelling European herb with rugose leaves and whorls of dark purple flowers
Betula nigra
— Noun
– English
~ birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark
Brassica nigra
— Noun
– English
~ widespread Eurasian annual plant cultivated for its pungent seeds; a principal source of table mustard