bobwhite quail
— Noun
– English
~ a popular North American game bird; named for its call
— Noun
– English
~ small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and northern Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
button quail
— Noun
– English
~ small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and northern Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
bustard quail
— Noun
– English
~ small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and northern Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
Brisbane quandong
— Noun
– English
~ Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit
beauty quark
— Noun
– English
~ a quark with a charge of -1/3 and a mass about 10,000 times that of an electron