by a long shot
— Adverb
– English
~ by a great deal; "he is the best by a long shot"; "his labors haven't ended there--not by a long shot"
basketball shot
— Noun
– English
~ throwing the basketball toward the hoop; "his shot hit the rim and bounced out"
bank shot
— Noun
– English
~ a basketball shot that bounces off of the backboard before passing through the hoop
backhand shot
— Noun
– English
~ a return made with the back of the hand facing the direction of the stroke
BB shot
— Noun
– English
~ a small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB gun
booster shot
— Noun
– English
~ an additional dose that makes sure the first dose was effective
bird shot
— Noun
– English
~ small lead shot for shotgun shells
big shot
— Noun
– English
~ an important influential person; "he thinks he's a big shot"; "she's a big deal in local politics"; "the Qaeda commander is a very big fish"