— Noun
– English
~ (Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains
— Noun
– English
~ angling by drawing a baited line through the water
— Noun
– English
~ a fisherman's lure that is used in trolling; "he used a spinner as his troll"
— Noun
– English
~ a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time; "they enjoyed singing rounds"
— Noun
– English
~ a fisherman who uses a hook and line
trackless trolley
— Noun
– English
~ a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires
tea trolley
— Noun
– English
~ serving cart for serving tea or light refreshments
trolley line
— Noun
– English
~ a transit line using streetcars or trolley buses
— Noun
– English
~ a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity
trolley car
— Noun
– English
~ a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity
trolley coach
— Noun
– English
~ a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires
— Noun
– Danish
~ rulle på stang til overførsel af strøm fra en luft ...
— Noun
– Danish
~ lille vogn som kan skubbes el. trækkes af én perso ...
— Noun
– English
~ a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires
— Noun
– Danish
~ bus der kører på strøm fra luftledning
— Noun
– English
~ angling by drawing a baited line through the water
— Noun
– Danish
~ lystfisker der dyrker trolling
— Noun
– English
~ perennial herbs of north temperate regions: globeflowers
genus Trollius
— Noun
– English
~ perennial herbs of north temperate regions: globeflowers