— Verb
– English
~ go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
turn to
— Verb
– English
~ speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window"
turn out
— Verb
– English
~ prove to be in the result or end; "It turns out that he was right"
turn in
— Verb
– English
~ to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"
turn out
— Verb
– English
~ cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch; "Turn off the stereo, please"; "cut the engine"; "turn out the lights"
ill turn
— Noun
– English
~ an act intended to help that turns out badly; "he did them a disservice"
good turn
— Noun
– English
~ a favor for someone; "he did me a good turn"
— Noun
– English
~ a unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force produced by the passage of 1 ampere through 1 complete turn of a coil; equal to 1.257 gilberts
about turn
— Noun
– English
~ act of pivoting 180 degrees, especially in a military formation
— Noun
– English
~ a decision to reverse an earlier decision
— Noun
– English
~ turning in the opposite direction
— Noun
– English
~ act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip
— Noun
– English
~ turning in the opposite direction
— Noun
– English
~ time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip
turnaround time
— Noun
– English
~ time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip
— Noun
– English
~ a decision to reverse an earlier decision
— Noun
– English
~ an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around
Clitoria turnatea
— Noun
– English
~ vine of tropical Asia having pinnate leaves and bright blue flowers with yellow centers
— Noun
– English
~ an oblong metal coupling with a swivel at one end and an internal thread at the other into which a threaded rod can be screwed in order to form a unit that can be adjusted for length or tension
— Noun
– English
~ a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.